U.S. Representative Steve Cohen Votes to Advance Anti-Second Amendment Legislation

U.S. Representative Steve Cohen (D-TN-09) voted to advance legislation banning “assault weapons.” He touted his vote during House Judiciary Committee debate last week.

Cohen, a senior member of the Judiciary Committee, voted on July 20 to advance an “assault weapons ban” to the full House of Representatives.

During debate on the legislation, Cohen castigated Republican colleagues for opposing the ban, “arguing their defense of such weapons involves the anticipation of a civil war.”

In his remarks, he referred to House Judiciary Committee members Greg Steube (R-FL-17) and Chip Roy (R-TX-21).

“It was quite interesting what we heard from Mr. Steube about first accusing Democrats, wrongly, about being for de-funding the police, then they give all of the reasons why we don’t need the police because everybody in their districts has a gun and is saving somebody every other day. Who needs police when you’ve got Steube’s constituents?” he said.

“Mr. Chip Roy really put out what this is about: Many people on that side, and their constituents, sincerely think they need a gun to protect themselves against the government. They are ready for civil war … and when it almost came, they were on the wrong side,” Cohen later added.

The Tennessee Star previously reported that Cohen had been pushing for an “assault weapons ban” since June and promoted the idea that he is working with fellow Democrats to pass one.

Cohen’s office issued a press statement in June, discussing how he urged his colleagues to advance the Protect Our Kids Act and advocated a ban on “assault weapons.”

“Assault weapons were banned from 1994 to 2004. It was constitutionally permissible. It wasn’t until 2008 in the Heller decision when Justice Scalia said people have the right, based on the Second Amendment, to protect their homes with reasonable weapons. … The Second Amendment, like the First, is not absolute. … There are limits to the Second Amendment and assault weapons are one of those limits that we had for 10 years and during that time we had less mass killings in this country, and we should have it again,” he said during a meeting of the House Judiciary Committee.

He also tweeted about the issue, saying, “We need to ban assault weapons and I look forward to working with @RepCicilline to pass it.”

“There is something gun-crazed about our country that we need to deal with,” he additionally said in another tweet.

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Aaron Gulbransen is a reporter at The Tennessee Star and The Star News Network. Email tips to [email protected]. Follow Aaron on GETTRTwitterTruth Social, and Parler.




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8 Thoughts to “U.S. Representative Steve Cohen Votes to Advance Anti-Second Amendment Legislation”

  1. Testiclese

    NO. Your move!

  2. LM

    I agree with Mr. Allen and Mr. Smith. They want to disarm the country before the coming revolution.

  3. AWM

    The only “crazed” issue in this country is Cohen and his comrades.

  4. Steve Allen

    Of course he voted for it.The bigger question is, what will happen in the Senate?

    America’s right to keep and bear arms as granted in the Constitution is the only thing standing in the way of the globalists and their plan to take over America. They know that as long as Americans are armed, and given our resolute to maintain our freedoms, there is no way that the last national domino will fall to their globalist/socialist agenda. This is why I believe the following could take place before the end of this year.

    The democrats know they are going to take a political beating of epic proportion in November. The only way they gained control was through monumental cheating in the presidential election. The donks and their globalist handlers know that President Trump is their greatest threat to taking control of America. It’s now or never for them. I believe they will dissolve the filibuster to pass their “assault weapons” ban. Then, to enforce it they will scream and jump up and down claiming it is unenforceable without mandatory firearms registration. Which they will also force through by ignoring the filibuster. This they will have to do before the end of the year, at which point they loose control.

    While the republicans will be impeaching Mr. Magoo, the the traitors that remain in the military along with the ATF will begin the confiscation. Then the SHTF.

  5. Lee Roy Smith

    He is partly right on one thing. He states he believes this country is headed for a civil war. We are headed for war but it will not be a civil war. It will be a war between two opposing paths this country can take. It will not be a civil war because historians were idiots for calling the war here in the middle of the 19th century was not a civil war. There is nothing about war that is civil. People bleed and people die in a war. People that support the second amendment know and understand what the purpose of the amendment is. When the war does break out, they will be legally to defend their family and themselves when a person is attempting to harm them. This includes their ability to take the criminals life in order to save their family and/or themselves. That is why most legal gun owners I know will tell you in no uncertain terms. The “Gun grabbers will pry my gun from my “COLD DEAD HANDS”.

  6. Josh Read

    “If he (Cohen) really represents the desires of the citizens in his district, then I am truly sorry for those folks.”

    He doesn’t. It’s been clear for many years that if the Memphis Shelby County Black community would unite and rally around a single good Black candidate like thr brilliant John DeBerry, Cokespoon Cohen would be a bad memory.

  7. jamesb

    if i lived in his district guns are the last thing i would want banned except for criminals but he likes to coddle them. crazy

  8. 83ragtop50

    We need to ban idiots like Cohen from Congress. If he really represents the desires of the citizens in his district, then I am truly sorry for those folks.
